Ted Talk

Summary- This Ted Talk was about different photographers captioning photos of life.  Each of the pictures have something about them that makes them different from the rest.  He also mentioned how people use photography to spread a message and touch people.  Not only do they caption a message, but a lot of photographers capture things that everyday people don't get to witness.

Critiques-  I agree with most of the things he said in this Ted Talk. But, there are some things I think are better and worse than he makes them seem.  For example, I think that the pictures that the most effort was put into would be the best verses something that everyone takes over and over again.  I think that having good ideas is what makes you a good photographer.

Evaluates-  I thought that it was a decent ted talk although he could have discussed more topics with detail. Also I noticed that he evaluated photographers based off one image and didn't acknowledge or give them enough recognition.


  1. Interesting perspective. I'd have to look at this again to see what you mean by "more detail". I wonder if he was simply trying to show specific images that evoked thought and discussion rather than go into detail.


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